April 2012

APRIL  23:

Good news!  We made our first milestone!  With the help of our donors, we were able to raise the initial $10,000 payment for the 5057 before the April board meeting of the Feather River Rail Society (FRRS).  As a result, FRRS decided to continue working with us as the buyer of the 5057.  We are ironing out a few details with FRRS and expect to make the first payment to them within the next week or so.

Many thanks to all of our donors who made this possible!  Those of you who donated between March 23 and March 31 enabled us to collect $2,863.81 of the $3,000 matching challenge donation.  All of our donors can expect to hear from us individually within the next few weeks.

With this first fundraising milestone behind us, we are now focused on the next milestone.  We need to raise the remainder of the $25,000 purchase price by March 31, 2013.  We’re also working on the bigger picture of developing the fundraising plan for the total project cost.  Stay tuned as we continue to work toward bringing the 5057 back to Washington.

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