South Cle Elum Centennial Celebration – August 20

Come join us on Saturday, August 20 as we celebrate the centennial of South Cle Elum! The town was incorporated in August 1911, two years after the Milwaukee Road opened their extension through South Cle Elum to Puget Sound.


Milwaukee Road depot in South Cle Elum, c. 1912 [Central Washington University, Brooks Library]


Cascade Rail Foundation will have the depot museum open, with volunteers on hand to talk about the history of the Milwaukee Road. There will be a 5-piece Dixieland band at the depot and we hope to have costumed reenactors dressed in period clothing from the early 20th century there as well. Cascade Rail Foundation will also host a barbecue lunch at the depot from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


Costumed reenactors at Depot Days in 2009 [click to enlarge]


The centennial celebration will continue at the Town Park, located a block north of the depot. Dessert will be served in the park from noon to 4 p.m. The U.S. Coast Guard will be sending an Honor Guard to the event out of respect for one of South Cle Elum’s favorite sons, Congressional Medal of Honor winner Douglas Munro. (Douglas Munro was the son of substation operator James Munro and grew up in Bungalow #1 next to the substation.) The Honor Guard will start the formal ceremonies in the park at 1:00 p.m. by presenting the colors and playing a recording of the national anthem. At the park, children will be able to play on bouncy toys brought by the Cle Elum-Roslyn Police and the South Cle Elum Fire Department will host tours of the town’s engine.


If you need another reason to come to the Cle Elum area, the 15th Annual Cruise Cle Elum Car and Motorcycle Show will also be happening in downtown Cle Elum the same day.


Posted by Paul Krueger



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