Signal Project Moves Forward

Several years ago, we installed two Milwaukee Road signals along the trail.   The signals face each other, one west of the depot and the other east of it.  Our plan is to have them lighted and controlled from the depot.


East signal along the trail facing the depot

The east signal, along the trail facing the depot


At the July 13 work party, we made progress in getting the two signals wired.  We’ve started running lines through the conduits connecting them to the depot.  The lines will be used to pull wire through the conduit.  In the photo below, David Newcomb is running the shop vacuum at one of the signals so Mark Borleske can identify which conduit it’s connected to in the crawl space under the depot.

We hope to have at least one of the signals wired by the end of this year.   We need a few hundred feet of wire to connect the second signal to the depot.  If you have some you’d like to donate, please contact us.


David Newcomb runs the shop vacuum at one of the signals

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