We began the meet on Saturday morning with a display of Milwaukee Road models brought by attendees. Doug Nighswonger started the presentations after lunch with a slideshow of Milwaukee Road passenger trains and passenger equipment. Jim Murrie followed with a presentation about the operations and consists of the Columbian between 1947 and 1955. Jim’s presentation included comparisons to the competition on the NP and GN, as well as tips for modeling the passenger cars in HO scale. We finished the afternoon with a show of Milwaukee Road freight car slides brought by Kyle Carlson and narrated by Mike Faletti.
Sunday started with Allen Miller giving us a visual history of Milwaukee Road depot paint schemes. Allen followed that by sharing his presentation about the ‘high line’ over Snoqualmie Pass. After lunch, Noel Holley gave us a comprehensive review of Milwaukee Road electric locomotives. Greg Lussier then shared some images and stories from the book he’s written about the line between Beverly and Kittitas. [The book is delayed because it needs to be redone in a different software program. If his presentation is any indication, it will be worth the wait.] Allen Miller closed the meet with an informative slideshow about the Everett branch.
We’ve received very positive feedback about the quality of the program from those who attended the meet. However, attendance was lower than we’d like it to be. We had about 20 people each day.
We’d like to see more people attend next year. Rather than guess what we should do differently, we’ve created a very brief (6 question) survey to collect feedback from those of you who did not attend.
Click here to take a survey if you did not attend the meet.
Please take a few moments to let us know what we can do to make this event be something you’d make time to attend next year.
For those of you who attended the meet but have not filled out a survey form yet, we’ve put that survey online also.
Click here to take a survey if you did attend the meet.
CRF gives a big thank you to all of our presenters and attendees! We hope to see you again in 2012.
[Note: Our photographer had technical difficulties with his camera, so we don’t have photos of all the models. If someone else has photos we can share, we’ll update this.]